
Dialogs provide important prompts in a user flow.

A dialog displaying phone ringtone options.

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Dialogs behave like <dialog> elements, and can be closed with a <form method="dialog"> element.

Dialogs have three optional sections: the headline title, the main content, and action buttons.

  <div slot="headline">
    Dialog title
  <form slot="content" id="form-id" method="dialog">
    A simple dialog with free-form content.
  <div slot="actions">
    <md-text-button form="form-id">Ok</md-text-button>

use margin, height, and width CSS properties to control the dialog's size and position.

Dialogs are opened and closed by setting the open attribute or property.

<md-dialog open>
  <div slot="content">
    A dialog that is opened by default.

Dialogs are also opened and closed by calling dialog.show() and dialog.close().

Both return a Promise that resolves after the dialog's animation finishes.

closeButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
  await dialog.close();

A button's value attribute will set the dialog's returnValue property to identify which button closed it.

<md-dialog open>
  <form slot="content" id="form-id" method="dialog">...</form>
  <div slot="actions">
    <md-text-button form="form-id" value="cancel">Cancel</md-text-button>
    <md-text-button form="form-id" value="ok">Ok</md-text-button>
dialog.addEventListener('close', () => {
  const cancelClicked = dialog.returnValue === 'cancel';
  const okClicked = dialog.returnValue === 'ok';

Dialogs are labelled by their headlines. Add an aria-label attribute to dialogs without a headline.

<md-dialog aria-label="Error message">
  <div slot="content">An error occurred, details ...</div>

Add a type="alert" attribute to dialogs that need to communicate an important message and require a user's response.

Common examples include error messages that require confirmation and other action confirmation prompts.

<md-dialog type="alert">
  <div slot="headline">Confirm deletion</div>
  <form slot="content" id="form-id" method="dialog">
    Are you sure you wish to delete this item?
  <div slot="actions">
    <md-text-button form="form-id" value="cancel">Cancel</md-text-button>
    <md-text-button form="form-id" value="delete">Delete</md-text-button>

Dialogs supports Material theming and can be customized in terms of color, typography, and shape.

TokenDefault value
:root {
  /* System tokens */
  --md-sys-color-surface-container-highest: #dde4e3;
  --md-sys-color-on-surface: #161d1d;
  --md-sys-color-on-surface-variant: #3f4948;
  --md-sys-typescale-body-medium: system-ui 16px/24px;
  --md-sys-typescale-headline-small: system-ui 24px/32px;

  /* Component tokens */
  --md-dialog-container-shape: 0px;

  <div slot="headline">Title</div>
  <div slot="content">Dialog content</div>
quickquickbooleanfalseSkips the opening and closing animations.
returnValuestring''Gets or sets the dialog's return value, usually to indicate which button a user pressed to close it.
typetypestringundefinedThe type of dialog for accessibility. Set this to alert to announce a dialog as an alert dialog.
noFocusTrapno-focus-trapbooleanfalseDisables focus trapping, which by default keeps keyboard Tab navigation within the dialog.
When disabled, after focusing the last element of a dialog, pressing Tab again will release focus from the window back to the browser (such as the URL bar).
Focus trapping is recommended for accessibility, and should not typically be disabled. Only turn this off if the use case of a dialog is more accessible without focus trapping.
getOpenAnimation() => DialogAnimationfunction { ... }Gets the opening animation for a dialog. Set to a new function to customize the animation.
getCloseAnimation() => DialogAnimationfunction { ... }Gets the closing animation for a dialog. Set to a new function to customize the animation.
showNonePromise<void>Opens the dialog and fires a cancelable open event. After a dialog's animation, an opened event is fired.
Add an autofocus attribute to a child of the dialog that should receive focus after opening.
closereturnValuePromise<void>Closes the dialog and fires a cancelable close event. After a dialog's animation, a closed event is fired.
openEventNoNoDispatched when the dialog is opening before any animations.
openedEventNoNoDispatched when the dialog has opened after any animations.
closeEventNoNoDispatched when the dialog is closing before any animations.
closedEventNoNoDispatched when the dialog has closed after any animations.
cancelEventNoNoDispatched when the dialog has been canceled by clicking on the scrim or pressing Escape.
IntroductionQuick StartRoadmapSupportBundle Sizes
Material ThemingColorTypographyShape
ButtonsCheckboxChipsDialogsFloating action button (FAB)Icon ButtonsListsMenusProgress indicatorsRadioRippleSelectSlidersSwitchTabsText field