Text field

Text fields let users enter text into a UI.

Several text fields in a form

  1. Filled text field
  2. Outlined text field

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Text fields behave like <input> elements. They provide a container with labels for user input.

<md-filled-text-field label="Label" value="Value">

<md-outlined-text-field label="Label" value="Value">

A text field's type attribute changes how the text field works, such as displaying a different keyboard or providing default validation.

<md-filled-text-field label="Username" type="email">

<md-filled-text-field label="Password" type="password">

use the inputmode attribute for more control over the displayed keyboard.

Text fields should label their value with a floating label, a placeholder, or an external label. Labels help the user understand what value to input.

First name
<md-outlined-text-field label="Favorite food">

<md-outlined-text-field placeholder="email@domain.com">

<div>First name</div>
<md-outlined-text-field aria-label="First name">

text fields do not currently support aria-labelledby. External labels must provide an aria-label. See b/276484803.

Multi-line text fields behave like <textarea> elements.

Textareas can specify the initial number of rows. Use CSS width, height, and resize to control the resize behavior of a textarea.

  md-filled-text-field {
    resize: vertical;
    label="Vertical resize"

Text fields may display optional icons. Use icons to describe the input method (such as a search icon), provide additional functionality (such as a clear icon), or to express errors.

<md-outlined-text-field placeholder="Search for messages">
  <md-icon slot="leading-icon">search</md-icon>

<md-outlined-text-field label="Password" type="password">
  <md-icon-button toggle slot="trailing-icon">
    <md-icon slot="selected">visibility_off</md-icon>

    error-text="Username not available">
  <md-icon slot="trailing-icon">error</md-icon>

Add prefix-text and suffix-text attributes to text fields to display additional context for the value.

    label="Dollar amount"

Supporting text conveys additional information about the input field, such as how it will be used. Supporting text can be replaced with error text when validating.

    supporting-text="Provide comments for the issue">

    error-text="Please fill out this field">

Text fields with a maxlength attribute will display a character counter.

<md-outlined-text-field label="Title" value="Short" maxlength="10">

Text fields that validate can use constraint validation or manual validation.

Text fields may validate using the browser's constraint validation API. Each input type above links to an article that describes how to validate it.

Text fields in a <form> will validate on submission, or by calling textField.reportValidity().