Progress indicators

Progress indicators inform users about the status of ongoing processes, such as loading an app or submitting a form.

There are two types of progress indicators: linear and circular.

Circular and linear progress indicators showing indetermine and determinate examples

  1. Circular progress
  2. Linear progress

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Progress indicators may be determinate to show progress, or indeterminate for an unspecified amount of progress.

<md-circular-progress value="0.75"></md-circular-progress>
<md-circular-progress indeterminate></md-circular-progress>

<md-linear-progress indeterminate></md-linear-progress>
<md-linear-progress value="0.5"></md-linear-progress>

Indeterminate progress indicators may cycle between four colors (primary, primary container, tertiary, and tertiary container by default).

<md-circular-progress four-color indeterminate></md-circular-progress>
<md-linear-progress four-color indeterminate></md-linear-progress>

Add an aria-label attribute to progress indicators to give them a descriptive name.

<md-circular-progress value="0.5" aria-label="Page refresh progress"></md-circular-progress>

<md-linear-progress value="0.5" aria-label="Download progress"></md-linear-progress>

Circular progress indicators display progress by animating along an invisible circular track in a clockwise direction.

<md-circular-progress indeterminate></md-circular-progress>
<md-circular-progress value="0.6"></md-circular-progress>

Linear progress indicators display progress by animating along the length of a fixed, visible track.

<md-linear-progress indeterminate></md-linear-progress>
<md-linear-progress value="0.6"></md-linear-progress>

Linear progress indicators may show a buffer to communicate both determinate and indeterminate progress. The progress bar and track represent known progress while the buffer dots represent unknown progress.

<md-linear-progress value="0.5" buffer="0.8"></md-linear-progress>

Progress indicators supports Material theming and can be customized in terms of color.

TokenDefault value
--md-circular-progress-active-indicator-width8.3333 (%)

the active indicator width must be specified as a unit-less percentage of the size.

:root {
  --md-circular-progress-size: 32px;
  --md-circular-progress-active-indicator-width: 20;
  --md-sys-color-primary: #006A6A;

<md-circular-progress value="0.5"></md-circular-progress>
TokenDefault value
:root {
  --md-linear-progress-track-height: 8px;
  --md-linear-progress-track-shape: 8px;
  --md-linear-progress-active-indicator-height: 8px;
  --md-sys-color-primary: #006A6A;
  --md-sys-color-surface-container-highest: #DDE4E3;

<md-linear-progress value="0.5"></md-linear-progress>

MdLinearProgress <md-linear-progress>

Link to “MdLinearProgress <md-linear-progress>”
bufferbuffernumber0Buffer amount to display, a fraction between 0 and max. If the value is 0 or negative, the buffer is not displayed.
valuevaluenumber0Progress to display, a fraction between 0 and max.
maxmaxnumber1Maximum progress to display, defaults to 1.
indeterminateindeterminatebooleanfalseWhether or not to display indeterminate progress, which gives no indication to how long an activity will take.
fourColorfour-colorbooleanfalseWhether or not to render indeterminate mode using 4 colors instead of one.

MdCircularProgress <md-circular-progress>

Link to “MdCircularProgress <md-circular-progress>”
valuevaluenumber0Progress to display, a fraction between 0 and max.
maxmaxnumber1Maximum progress to display, defaults to 1.
indeterminateindeterminatebooleanfalseWhether or not to display indeterminate progress, which gives no indication to how long an activity will take.
fourColorfour-colorbooleanfalseWhether or not to render indeterminate mode using 4 colors instead of one.
IntroductionQuick StartRoadmapSupportBundle Sizes
Material ThemingColorTypographyShape
ButtonsCheckboxChipsDialogsFloating action button (FAB)Icon ButtonsListsMenusProgress indicatorsRadioRippleSelectSlidersSwitchTabsText field